Michael Stubbing FCPA, FCA, CFP, TEP | Video Tax News

Michael Stubbing FCPA, FCA, CFP, TEP


Grant Thornton

Mike is a tax partner in Grant Thornton’s Victoria, BC office and is the Tax Service Line Leader for Vancouver Island. He is the former head of Grant Thornton Canada’s national Succession and Estate Planning Group and he previously led the Privately Held Business Group for Grant Thornton’s South Coastal B.C. offices. He is also the former chair of the national Succession and Estate Planning Group’s technical committee.

Mike sits on the Tax Professional Development Committee of the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia. He spent several years as the Content Advisor on the topic of Trusts and Estates for CPA Canada’s Professional Learning and Development Program Committee. He also spent a number of years as a member of the executive board of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners of Vancouver. Continuing with his focus on education, Mike currently sits on the Boards of both Camosun College and Lester B. Pearson United World College of the Pacific.

Mike has written and taught numerous continuing education courses for the Alberta
and B.C. provincial CPA Institutes. He has spoken on tax and business matters for the Canadian Tax Foundation, the National Judicial Institute, Camosun College, the University of Alberta, McEwan College, the Canadian Labour Congress, the Victoria Estate Planning Council, and Video Tax News. Mike has written papers on tax and succession matters for the Canadian Tax Foundation, Grant Thornton publications, and the Chartered Professional Accountants of BC. 

Mike was appointed as a Fellow of the Chartered Professional Accountants of BC
(FCPA, FCA) in 2018.  In 2013 Mike received the Institute of Chartered Accountants of British Columbia's Early Achievement Award.
